Overview: The Baking Lab is a free online learning platform that educates self-taught bakers with no to moderate baking experience on the basics and science of baking.

Timeline: January 2024 - April 2024

Tools: Figma, Canva, Miro, Google Form, MS Office, Zoom

Role: Project Manager, UX Researcher, UX/UI Designer

The Baking Lab

Online Baking Education Platform

UX Research


This project idea stems from my personal experience as a self-taught baker.

Over the years, I relied on the trial-and-error method, experimenting with various online recipes until I have success with one. Having encountered numerous failed baking outcomes due to the lack of clear instructions and explanations in the recipes/video, I recognized the ineffectiveness of this learning method, particularly for self-taught bakers with no prior baking experience.

Without understanding the underlying baking principles, self-taught bakers struggled to identify the rationale behind their successes or failures.

Problem Definition

Online recipes and baking videos, though easily accessible, may feature unclear of even lack of instructions and explanations. This possibly contributes to failures and wastage of time and money, discouraging self-taught bakers to continue with their baking journey.

Research Goal

To understand the obstacles self-taught bakers encounter through exploring their typical learning routines and journeys, as well as the current learning resources.

Research Methodologies


The survey has a total of 15 respondents, who fall into the following criteria:

  • People who are interested in baking 

  • People who are self-taught baker 

  • People who possess experience in baking

All survey responses were collected through Google Form.

User Interviews

Out of the 15 survey respondents, 3 of them agreed to proceed to participate in the interview. While all 3 participants were self-taught bakers, it is notable that 1 of them was a beginner in baking.

The interviews were conducted remotely through Zoom. 

Competitive Analysis

We have conducted analysis on 3 online baking education platform/website, including:

  • Deliciously Ella

  • Handle The Heat

  • MasterClass

The competitive analysis has helped inform the key features of the final prototype, which are detailed in the Solution section.

Research Findings

Common challenges faced by users

Unreliable learning resources

High cost of learning

Lack of structure in learning materials


UX Design

Project Goals

We have identified the business goals and user goals, and aligned the two of them to get a full picture of what our project goals should be.

Site Map

User Journey Map

Key Takeaways


  • Incorporate gamification into the product design without distracting users the main purpose of the product

  • Design an onboarding experience that is not only clear and smooth, but also engaging in a way that can effectively capture users’ attention and encourage them to explore the product 

Lesson Learned

  • When designing a learning product, follow the BOPPPS (Bridge-in, Outcomes, Pre-assessment, Participatory learning, Post-assessment, Summary) model for effective learning design. 

  • Avoid using only infographics (e.g., levels) to indicate the technology usage when creating persona. Instead, explain what each level means 



The Baking Lab is a free online learning platform that educates self-taught bakers with no to moderate baking experience on the basics and science of baking. 

Key features include: 

  • Gamification - includes gems, lives, streaks and badges, which act as the source of learning motivation 

  • Flashcard learning - breaks down learning content into digestible chunks, making it easier for learners to fit into their busy schedules

  • Learning paths - provides structured learning

  • Forum - fosters a sense of community and acts as source of learning motivation

Success Criteria

  • To achieve monthly conversion rate of 10% 

  • To achieve an average of 60% in Net Promoter Score in each month 

  • To maintain user retention rate of 70% 

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