Who Am I?

I'm Mandy, a budding UX researcher & designer based in Toronto.  

I possess an innate curiosity about people—their thoughts, actions, and motivations. This curiosity drives me to question everything I encounter, from individual behaviors to broader social phenomena. This passion led me to transition from educational research, in which I possess 2 years of work experience, to a career in UX research and design. 

I received my UX training from the Interactive Media Management program at Centennial College. During this program, I've worked on various projects, including conducting user research, designing UX strategies, and developing product prototypes. I’ve also gained proficiency in tools like Adobe CC and Figma. 

My work and study experience in Australia, Hong Kong, and Canada have honed my ability to thrive in multicultural team environments, enhancing my collaborative skills and adaptability. I’m organized, detail-oriented, and adept at planning work schedules for optimal efficiency, while leaving room for flexibility to avoid burnout and meet ad hoc deadlines. 


Design Thinking 

UX Research 

Qualitative Research 

Social Media Research 

Data Analytics & Synthesis 


Project Coordination 




Adobe CC (Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere Pro) 





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