Overview: The St. Lawrence Market project reimagines the digital space, with the goal of attracting more customers to visit the market in person and enhancing the overall market experience.

Timeline: December 2023

Tools: Miro, Pitch

Role: UX Researcher, UX Strategist

St. Lawrence Market

Reimagining the Digital Space

UX Research


Built in 1803, St. Lawrence Market is a major public market in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It consists of 120+ specialty vendors, ranging from fruits to accessories.

Problem Definition

There are discrepancies between the current St. Lawrence Market digital (e.g., website) and physical space. Users struggle to find up-to-date information online, negatively affecting their experience at the market and their perception of it.

Research Goal

To identify the key information visitors need to plan their market visit and understand their routines when visiting the market, in order to design a digital space that encourages physical visits.

Research Methodologies

User Interview

Given the time constraint and assignment design, we’ve interviewed 1 person who is a frequent visitor of the St. Lawrence Market. The interview was conducted in person at Centennial College.

Competitive Analysis

We have conducted analysis on 2 public markets in Toronto, which are:

  • Kensington Market

  • Stackt Market

The competitive analysis has helped inform the key features of the final prototype, which are detailed in the Solution section.

Research Findings

Key elements for planning a market visit

Vendor details (e.g., location, hours)

Real-time foot traffic data

Map integration

Aesthetic and usability

Empathy Map

UX Design

Project Goals

We have identified the business goals and user goals, and aligned the two of them to get a full picture of what our project goals should be.

User Flow

Key Takeaways


  • To develop a proto-persona based on limited research (due to assignment constraints, we were only able to interview one person) and by empathizing with the users

  • Select the appropriate features and assess their suitability to ensure the UX strategy aligns closely with the project goals and UX theme

Lesson Learned

  • Always present the user flow as a story. This approach captures the audience's attention, helps them envision themselves in the experience, and makes it easier to understand your strategy

  • Develop the UX theme before brainstorming about the features – it streamlines the UX design process 

Thanks for reading!



Drawing from our research, we recommend adopting and incorporating the UX theme “Indulge and Unwind” into the current St. Lawrence Market website. 

Some key features include:  

  • Storytelling aesthetic - Utilize the historic aesthetic in visual design to tell a compelling story of relaxation and unwinding, capturing the essence of the market's timeless appeal

  • Immersive visuals - Showcase vibrant images of St. Lawrence Market, conveying its diverse culinary offerings and vendors, with an elegant design that plays on the strength of its historic, old-world charm

  • Personalized recommendations - Implement user profiles for personalized vendor, event, and culinary suggestions based on taste preferences

  • Easy planning tools - Develop intuitive tools to streamline the planning process

    1. Identify market peak hours

    2. Navigate directions and locate essential nearby services

    3. Set up reminders effortlessly

    4. Generate digital shopping lists seamlessly

UX Strategy Presentation Slide Deck

Success Criteria

  • Maintain a monthly average of 80% 5-star satisfaction rate for the new website 

  • Boost website traffic by 30% within the first 3 months of the new website launch

  • Raise foot traffic at St. Lawrence Market by 30% within the first 3 months of the new website launch

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